The garden along Minnehaha Creek in Minneapolis began it’s transformation on a spring day in 2012 when the silver maple was taken down, one of the largest in the neighborhood. The shade garden saw it’s first rays of sun by the afternoon. The plants in the original garden were moved or given away to create a blank slate for a new sunny perennial garden. New plantings were selected to provide four-season interest by layering with texture, form and color. Evergreens and shrubs provide the backdrop for Iberis, Heuchera, Iris, Coreopsis, Sedum, Salvia, and Miscanthus that weave together to form a tapestry of color. The result is a lush full garden.
I must say I do enjoy my job. Sadly that’s uncommon, so I consider myself specially fortunate. Seems I injured myself enjoying my job a bit too much. I have what the doctor has labeled a repetitive stress injury on my wrist. He’s not sure if it’ll go away, specially if I don’t take a break from work, is what he tells me. He prescribed a pretty strong medication, wouldn’t that make me ignore the pain, get back to work, and never heal or heal wrong? I’m confused. Then again I know I’m no doctor and that they command respect because he had to put in his dues to sit at that office and tell me what meds to take. I already looked up where can i buy hydrocodone online, and am just about ready to order what I’m going to need. Let’s hope this heals right and I can get back to work. I’m also silently hoping this doesn’t mean I’m getting old and the medical issues and injuries are just getting started… I’ll take better care of myself and slow down a bit and see what happens.
In 2014 the client asked us to rejuvenate their backyard landscape that had become over grown with spreading ground covers mixed in with lawn that jumped the granite cobblestone border. New limestone border created a defined space and aggressive ground covers were removed to make way for new perennials. Garden is now full of easily maintained plants giving a once overgrown garden a new beginning.