Working Garden
Wonderful existing Saint Paul landscape that needed a little structure and form. Added a low stone wall and edging to define the front yard gardens. Also added Salvia (now moved to a sunnier spot as Redbud tree canopy provided too much shade), Pulmonaria, Geranium to the existing yews, bleeding hearts, rhododendrons and hostas. In the backyard a chilton-bluestone patio was installed for a teak table and chairs. Stone edged lawn mirrored the patio opposite of a sidewalk and borders vegetable/ornamental working garden. Two raised corten plants are filled with vegetables and herbs to minimize animal browsing.
With so many existing plants already on site it was a challenge to rearrange and organize with the additional plants client wished to incorporate. The small, flat backyard was presented a drainage issue.
During construction a temporary nursery was established for existing plants. After all the hardscape was completed and new plants arrived, the planting was arranged with a combination of old and new. Strawberries with lilies and spruce, turtleheads with Heliopsis, tomatoes on obelisk, containers of herbs, towering Castor bean, a rambling rose mixing with elderberry and a lot more. Sounds disjointed but it all works together since the patio, lawn, plants, and two Tina Crabapples anchor the landscape. The garden is alive with pollinators during the growing season which is a pleasant site, especially in urban areas.
The drainage was solved with directing the grade into planting beds.
Front yard stonework framed the garden and added needed structure and interest.